Friday, March 16, 2012

Bon Voyage!

If you haven't heard on our facebook or twitter, then you've definitely missed some news. Huge news. Gigantic news. Nouvelles énormes. 

Mr. C and I are finally jumping over to France. Paris, more specifically. While Mr. C will be chowing down on garlicky and buttered snails and I will be repeating "Je suis une végétalien. Je ne mange pas la viande, les poissons, le beurre, ou la crème" over and over again, several very talented bakers will be flexing their culinary muscles for you on this very blog. Exciting, no? Here's who will be gracing this blog in the next couple of weeks:

Now then, I've got some serious jet lag for prepare for. Also, does anyone know what vegans eat in France? Because I'm a little frightened. 


Sugary Flower said...

Oh, and you know what else? BREAD. Lots and lots of REALLY GOOD BREAD. It's actually what I missed most when I got home from France the first time. And I am a Huge Butter-and-Cheese-ivore, so that's saying something.
Have a great time (and I am So Jealous!)

decocinasytacones said...

HAPPY TRIP TO EUROPE!. Enjoy yourselves and enjoy food in Paris.
Love from spain

Jennifer @ Not Your Momma's Cookie said...

Have a wonderful time! :)

Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake said...

Bon Voyage!!! You will have a blast!

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